
Custom Stair Plans

For many people, a staircase is nothing more than a convenient way to get from one floor to another in their home. Still others, will sense the magnitude of a fine staircase, but will not consider it to be of significant enough value to expend the energy and money to develop a custom design. Finally, for some it holds the highest value, and represents an extremely important architectural element, which needs to be as carefully considered as any other part of the structure.

For this last group, we offer our custom design services, where we will collaborate with you to discover just what you are hoping to achieve, and design your staircase to make exactly the statement you wish to make. This could be a whimsical creation, or an elegant grand staircase in an entrance hall. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that you feel the need to be unique and express your creativity.

If you've been thinking of a special design, or have seen an amazing staircase that has inspired you, choose to do something extraordinary, and Contact Us. We would love to hear your ideas, and help you create exactly the staircase you envision.

The Nautilus

The Nautilus staircase was conceived to satisfy a client's desire for a more graceful staircase than originally planned.

Bertele Front

Turret Stair

An example of making the staircase work within the enclosing wall of a turret.

Dual Beam Cable

Full design work including .dxf template files for our custom steel fabricator, with extensive 3D modeling and rendering for client approvals.

Dual Steel

The Sanctuary

Beautiful plan with dancing winders.

Sanctuary Staircase

Farm Front


Farm Left
